Welcome to the Honddu Isaf Community Council website

Honddu Isaf Community Council comprises a rural area of rolling farmland. There are no large centres of habitation. Lower Chapel is the largest of the villages; Pwllgloyw is smaller and has the only pub in the community while Sarnau and Llandefaelog also have small concentrations of housing. There are 361 registered voters (as at 2011).

The Honddu Isaf Community Council is not responsible for the management of a community hall or any other public amenities.

The Council is supported by one part time (approximately 10 hours a month) Clerk. The Clerk is the Proper Officer of the Council and as such is under a statutory duty to carry out all the functions, and in particular to serve or issue all the notifications required by law of a local authority’s Proper Officer. The Clerk is responsible for ensuring that the instructions of the Council are carried out, contributes to policy and provides the necessary information to make and implement effective decisions. The Clerk is the Responsible Financial Officer for all financial records and their administration. The Clerk is responsible for all correspondence and works with the Chair to prepare the agenda for meetings and to write the minutes of every formal meeting.

Warm spaces directory

A directory that lists places that can offer Powys people a warm welcome this winter has been launched by the county council.

Powys County Council’s Warm Spaces Directory is made up of libraries, community centres, churches and other places that are opening their doors to anyone who needs them.

The council has worked together with its partners as well as community groups and other organisations across the county to provide this network of warm spaces, which can offer Powys people a warm welcome this winter and a chance to socialise, work or take part in activities whilst keeping warm.

The directory can be found by visiting www.powys.gov.uk/costofliving - the council’s cost of living information hub. The warm spaces directory will be available in Welsh shortly.

The information hub, which was launched in October, has a wide range of information in one place to ensure people know what help is already available and how to access it.

Cllr Matthew Dorrance, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for a Fairer Powys, said: “The cost of living crisis that the UK is experiencing is putting unprecedented pressures on people, who will be forced to make tough decisions about when and what they eat, what they can do in life, and when they can afford to heat their home.

“The warm space network can offer Powys people a warm welcome this winter and a chance to socialise, work or take part in activities whilst keeping warm.

“I would like to thank those organisations that have come forward to provide a warm space this winter. They will be making a positive difference to our communities and will be helping Powys people during this crisis.”

Community groups and other organisations in Powys who are willing to provide a warm space can still fill in an Expression of Interest form by visiting www.powys.gov.uk/costofliving and clicking Creating warm spaces for Powys.

Courier Fraud

Dyfed Powys Police have started to see a rise in ‘Courier Fraud’.

• Courier Fraud is not the fake DPD or Royal Mail text type scam.

• Courier Fraud involves a criminal pretending to be a police officer and phoning you.

• Courier Fraud results in a criminal collecting money or bank cards from you personally.

These frauds are predominantly aimed at those using landlines and those that will not question if the person at the other end really is who they say they are.

The current version of the fraud works by the criminal phoning the victim stating that they are a police officer and that they have someone under arrest for fraudulent use of their credit or debit card.

The criminal may state that the person in custody is a relative of the victim, and that the victim is under caution and cannot tell anyone else about the call.

The criminal will then go on to get the victim to either withdraw money for some spurious reason or gain details of their credit/debit card.

The reason it is called Courier Fraud is because the result is the criminal tells the victim that a courier will be collecting the money or card and PIN.

The courier will be the criminal – who will pretend to be a courier or the ‘police officer’ that spoke to the victim.

They will reassure the victim that the money will be held in safe keeping and be returned or refunded.

The reason for collecting the money will normally be that the bank has rogue staff that are putting counterfeit money in the withdrawals that people request.

I have attached a PDF which can be printed A3, A4 or A5 so can be used as a leaflet or poster, it is Welsh one side and English on the other.


• The police will never phone you and ask you to convey details of your debit or credit card

• The police will not caution you over the phone and ask you to collect money

• The police will not contact you to tell you your debit or credit card has been cloned

• The police, or your bank, will never ask you to withdraw money or transfer it to a different account

• The police will never ask you to reveal your full banking password or PIN

• Phone a family member or friend to make sure the line has cleared and then phone 101 to report to police

• Report it online: https://www.dyfed-powys.police.uk/en/contact-us/report-an-incident/ or call 101

Citizens Advice Powys is experiencing record-breaking demand for our services as people grapple with the cost-of-living crisis

Citizens Advice Powys is experiencing record-breaking demand for our services as people grapple with the cost-of-living crisis.

Attached is a copy of our latest Impact Report.

2022 has seen our highest average daily level of phone demand since 2019. We’re experiencing the most significant increases in the need for energy advice. Even with recent government support measures, we know it’s going to be an incredibly tough winter for the people we help. People struggling the most are having to choose whether to eat or heat their homes - many can't afford to do either.

Our staff and volunteers across the county are working flat out to help people, but there’s still a lot of people out there who find it difficult to get through to us. And we need to make sure they have somewhere to turn.

We're trying hard to find ways we can increase our capacity to help us meet increasing demand and make sure people have access to the support they need.

During April – Sept 2022 we received 8,083 requests for advice. For the same period in 2021 we dealt with 5,814 requests. 39% increase in demand

Energy - Since April 2022 demand for Energy advice has tripled. During the period April to June 2022 we assisted people access £4,796 of emergency energy funds. The period July to Sept 2022 we assisted people access £16,620 of emergency energy funding

Energy debts are increasing. Since April 2022 we have dealt with £73k of energy debt.

People are approaching us for help because they:

· Can’t afford to top up their prepayment meters and are self-disconnecting

· Can’t afford the increase in their direct debit payments

· Worried about winter costs

· Worried about the cost of running essential medical equipment

· Can’t afford to bulk buy oil

People we talk to are taking measures such as: Self disconnecting. Not paying their utility direct debits. Not paying other bills such as council tax. Borrowing more money or using credit for everyday living costs

Debt - Our Debt specialists have seen a rise in the debts people present with. Since April 2022 we have assisted with:

· Council tax debts £80k

· Mortgage and rent arrears increasing by 50%

· Credit card, loans and overdrafts £878k

· Borrowing from friends and family £30k

And helped people manage a total of £1.7 million of debt. Many people we help are vulnerable and need a lot of support to resolve their debt issues. Our specialist Debt advisers are mainly dealing with Debt Relief Orders as this seems to be the only option as many people don't have sufficient income to make any offer of repayment to their creditors.

People we have helped said:

“Every contact I had with citizens advice was wonderful. The way they spoke, the help and advice they gave was invaluable. I had been putting off putting a claim in for PIP until someone told me to contact them. I cannot thank them enough. They made the whole process very much easier and took all the stress away. They even printed off the assessment they had done for me to attach to the claim. A* with distinction for every aspect and person involved in helping me. Thank you so very much and I will pass on your service to anyone else who needs it.”

“Very impressed with the quality of the service offered by CAB and by the extent of knowledge, experience and compassion offered by your colleague as he helped us sort through our issues.”

“We would be lost without citizens advice. We struggle with understanding how the world around us works. I am autistic and my partner has ADHD”.

“The gentleman I spoke to was most polite, informed and helpful. He advised me knowledgeably on the issue I had and directed me to the website where I found further support enabling me to complete the necessary forms. Many thanks.”

If you would like to find out more about our services or talk to us about how we can support people in your local community we would be more than happy to talk to you. Please email Yasmin Bell, Chief Officer: ceo@powyslca.org

Cofion Cynnes/Kind Regards

CA Powys Executive Team

Ffôn/Telephone: 01686 617641/01686 617667

Ebost/Email: manager@powyslca.org

Free trees !!!!

Households across Wales can collect their tree, free of charge, from tomorrow as part of an ambitious Welsh Government giveaway to tackle the climate and nature emergencies - an initiative called My Tree Our Forest.

Over 50 collection hubs facilitated by Coed Cadw, the Woodland Trust in Wales, are set to open their doors to the public. Behind them is an army of dedicated volunteers ready to share expert growing advice in choosing the right tree for the right space.

A whopping 295,000 trees are up for grabs and their planting will contribute to the National Forest for Wales. Ten different species of native and broadleaf trees are available to choose from. These are: Hazel; Rowan; Hawthorn; Silver Birch; Crab Apple; Sessile Oak; Dogwood; Dog Rose; Field Maple; and Elder.

As well as sucking carbon from the air, improving our mental health and cleaning the air we breathe, broadleaf trees are a haven for birds and wildlife.

Wales Tree Giveaway: My Tree Our Forest - Woodland Trust

Powys Local Planning Authority

Powys Local Planning Authority (LPA) have opened the Call for Candidate Sites. The process enables all interested parties to submit potential development sites for inclusion in the Replacement Local Development Plan (Replacement LDP).  It will then be for the LPA to assess the Candidate Sites to determine if they are suitable, or not, for inclusion in the Replacement LDP.

Submissions are invited for sites for housing, employment, and other needs, as detailed in the Guidance Notes published alongside the submission form.

The Call for Sites is open for six weeks from 1stNovember to 13th December 2022.

The Candidate Site submission form and supporting guidance are available electronically online at: https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/12866/Replacement-Local-Development-Plan-2022---2037. The online form enables site proposers to produce and submit a map, obtain constraints information, view guidance notes and upload supporting documentation.

The Council encourages site proposers to complete the submission form online, however paper copies are available in the following libraries:

Brecon, Builth Wells, Llandrindod Wells, Llanfyllin, Llanidloes, Llanwrtyd Wells, Machynlleth, Newtown, Presteigne, Rhayader, Welshpool and Ystradgynlais.

The contact details and opening hours for each library are available at https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/1200/Find-nearest-library.

Site proposers must use the standard submission form (electronic or paper) and should ensure that their form is fully completed in line with the published Guidance Notes.

Completed Candidate Site Submissions Forms and supporting information should be returned to Planning Policy by 5.00 pm Tuesday 13th December 2022 using:

Online: By completing the electronic form at:

Email: ldp@powys.gov.uk or

Post: Planning Policy, Powys County Council, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, Powys. LD1 5LG

If you have any questions on how to complete the submission form or about the Candidate Site process in general, please contact the Planning Policy Team at: ldp@powys.gov.uk or 01597 826000.

Candidate site proposals should have regard to:

  • Candidate Site Guidance Notes;
  • Candidate Site Assessment Methodology;
  • Candidate Site Viability Guidance;
  • The on-line Interactive Constraints Map.

The Call for Candidate Sites is the appropriate time for site proposers to submit sites for potential inclusion in the Replacement LDP. All submissions will be published in a Candidate Sites Register at the Preferred Strategy Stage (May/June 2023). Sites proposed after the Preferred Strategy stage will have a reduced chance of being considered suitable for inclusion in the plan. Additionally, site proposers should be aware that not submitting sufficiently detailed information may result in a site not being taken forward.

Help Us Help You

Help Us Help You

Free NHS advice and treatment is available from your local pharmacist. Your local pharmacist can offer advice on minor health concerns and provide some over the counter and prescription medicines free of charge.

You don’t need an appointment to visit your local pharmacist and they can refer you to another NHS service if they feel it’s needed.

Remember to order your repeat prescriptions 7 days in advance. 

Get to know the changing ways you can access healthcare, including how pharmacists can help you, by visiting www.111.wales.nhs.uk/pharmacy

 /_UserFiles/Files/Pharmacies Flyer.pdf

Cost of living hub

Powys County Council has launched a campaign to help support residents and businesses with the rising cost of living.

The council has worked closely with local partner organisations to pull together a wide range of information in one place to ensure people know what help is already available and how to access it.

The online hub, which can be found at www.powys.gov.uk/costofliving, has been created to offer as much advice as possible to those in Powys who may need it during this time.

The #CostOfLiving campaign aims to provide information and advice on:

  • Household energy advice
  • Money, benefits and debt advice
  • Powys foodbanks
  • Support with household utility bills
  • Support for businesses
  • Support for families with children


Increasing Pension Credit uptake in Wales

Online Summit: From the Treasury to Treorchy

Increasing Pension Credit Uptake in Wales

10-11.30am, Thursday 8 December

Join the Commissioner for an online summit to explore the action needed, and the ways we can work together, to ensure that older people in Wales do not miss out on Pension Credit, which can boost people’s incomes significantly and provides access to other important entitlements.

It is estimated that up to 80,000 older people in Wales do not receive Pension Credit despite being eligible, meaning that over £200 million was left unclaimed in the Treasury last year rather than reaching those who needed it most.

With 1 in 5 older people in Wales now living in poverty, and living costs continuing to spiral, it’s more important than ever that older people receive all the financial support they’re entitled to.

Older people, and representatives from key organisations – including Welsh Government and Age Cymru – will be joining the Commissioner to share their insight and expertise about the most effective ways we can reach out to older people in communities throughout Wales, to raise awareness about Pension Credit and support those who are eligible to claim what they’re entitled to, and how we can take forward further action to increase Pension Credit uptake in Wales.

Please feel free to share this invite with your networks and any of your contacts who may be interested in attending.

We hope you can join us for the event – to book your place, visit: https://tocyn.cymru/en/event/5bba2c6e-2d5b-4c2e-b100-a321bdab29a0

Many thanks!

Powys Green Guide Launch

As part of the Community Renewal Fund PACE ( with support from PAVO) we are creating a Green Guide for Individuals, Organisations and Businesses in Powys to support and encourage positive actions across the County. Please see the attached link for more info.



Citizen's Advice - Jul 24

Have you heard about the valuable work that Citizens Advice do on a daily basis?

Would you like to be involved at a strategic level to move us forward?

Citizens Advice Powys offers Free, Independent, Impartial and Confidential advice and support to those living in Powys, with any problem. Our charitable status means we need a board of Trustees as part of our governance structure to operate, making this an

essential role within the organisation.

We are currently seeking independent, confident, knowledgeable and experienced people to join our Board. The Trustees meet quarterly, normally virtually, to help guide us in our decision making. If you could spare us 3 hours per month to share your expertise, you would be contributing to a unique public service that often offers a lifeline to those most in need.

Sound interesting? - Why not contact our Chief Officer, Yasmin Bell for an informal chat about the role. T: 01686 617641 or email CEO@powyslca.org

Police & Crime Commissioner - Aug 24



Croeso - Welcome

Welcome to this special bulletin dedicated to the Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Plan consultation. As your Police and Crime Commissioner, I am committed to ensuring our communities are safe, supportive, and just. Your input is crucial in shaping our policing priorities for the next four years. We invite you to participate in this consultation by filling out the survey and sharing your thoughts. Together, we can develop a plan that truly reflects the needs of our community.

Thank you for your participation and dedication to making Dyfed-Powys a better place for everyone.

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to my office via email.

Dafydd Llywelyn

Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner