Citizens Advice Powys is experiencing record-breaking demand for our services as people grapple with the cost-of-living crisis.
Attached is a copy of our latest Impact Report.
2022 has seen our highest average daily level of phone demand since 2019. We’re experiencing the most significant increases in the need for energy advice. Even with recent government support measures, we know it’s going to be an incredibly tough winter for the people we help. People struggling the most are having to choose whether to eat or heat their homes - many can't afford to do either.
Our staff and volunteers across the county are working flat out to help people, but there’s still a lot of people out there who find it difficult to get through to us. And we need to make sure they have somewhere to turn.
We're trying hard to find ways we can increase our capacity to help us meet increasing demand and make sure people have access to the support they need.
During April – Sept 2022 we received 8,083 requests for advice. For the same period in 2021 we dealt with 5,814 requests. 39% increase in demand
Energy - Since April 2022 demand for Energy advice has tripled. During the period April to June 2022 we assisted people access £4,796 of emergency energy funds. The period July to Sept 2022 we assisted people access £16,620 of emergency energy funding
Energy debts are increasing. Since April 2022 we have dealt with £73k of energy debt.
People are approaching us for help because they:
· Can’t afford to top up their prepayment meters and are self-disconnecting
· Can’t afford the increase in their direct debit payments
· Worried about winter costs
· Worried about the cost of running essential medical equipment
· Can’t afford to bulk buy oil
People we talk to are taking measures such as: Self disconnecting. Not paying their utility direct debits. Not paying other bills such as council tax. Borrowing more money or using credit for everyday living costs
Debt - Our Debt specialists have seen a rise in the debts people present with. Since April 2022 we have assisted with:
· Council tax debts £80k
· Mortgage and rent arrears increasing by 50%
· Credit card, loans and overdrafts £878k
· Borrowing from friends and family £30k
And helped people manage a total of £1.7 million of debt. Many people we help are vulnerable and need a lot of support to resolve their debt issues. Our specialist Debt advisers are mainly dealing with Debt Relief Orders as this seems to be the only option as many people don't have sufficient income to make any offer of repayment to their creditors.
People we have helped said:
“Every contact I had with citizens advice was wonderful. The way they spoke, the help and advice they gave was invaluable. I had been putting off putting a claim in for PIP until someone told me to contact them. I cannot thank them enough. They made the whole process very much easier and took all the stress away. They even printed off the assessment they had done for me to attach to the claim. A* with distinction for every aspect and person involved in helping me. Thank you so very much and I will pass on your service to anyone else who needs it.”
“Very impressed with the quality of the service offered by CAB and by the extent of knowledge, experience and compassion offered by your colleague as he helped us sort through our issues.”
“We would be lost without citizens advice. We struggle with understanding how the world around us works. I am autistic and my partner has ADHD”.
“The gentleman I spoke to was most polite, informed and helpful. He advised me knowledgeably on the issue I had and directed me to the website where I found further support enabling me to complete the necessary forms. Many thanks.”
If you would like to find out more about our services or talk to us about how we can support people in your local community we would be more than happy to talk to you. Please email Yasmin Bell, Chief Officer:
Cofion Cynnes/Kind Regards
CA Powys Executive Team
Ffôn/Telephone: 01686 617641/01686 617667